Design of the universe

Photoshop It

This is the photo we were given-as shot

This is the photo we were given-as shot

One of the editors asked us to help with a little photo illustration for a story about saving money buying produce.  The original photo they sent over looked a little bit less than delicious.  That is probably due to the the combined facts that, we are used to seeing photoshoped images of food, and also it is winter and the produce selection is limited.  Either way, we can’t run an undelicious image, so we had to do a little work on it.

More tasty looking version

More tasty looking version

After the apple was a little tastier looking, then we just threw some money inside.

Finished Photo Illustration

Finished Photo Illustration





Housing Guide Treehouse Blueprints

Plans for treehouse

Plans for treehouse

I was cleaning off my desk and found the original plans for the Housing Guide treehouse.  Here are the plans as well as some additional shots from the building proccess

Side view plans for treehouse.

Front view plans


Reviewing shot list for Housing Guide shoot

Getting ready to put the roof on

Building the rope ladder

Fixing the house and deck to the tree

Cutting upholstery

Gun Control

Graphic for gun control story in BYU Universe

Graphic for gun control story in BYU Universe

The editors at the Universe came to us looking for a graphic to go with a story about international takes on gun control. This is what we worked up.  Did you know that Yemen has the second highest gun ownership rates in the world?  Check out the story here. There is some interesting stuff about Swiss policies on guns–and designers love Swiss stuff.

Polar bear sighting on BYU campus



A polar bear was sighted by the Widstoe building late Wednesday morning. A response team was sent out to tranquilize the animal. Once the animal was neutralized, the team then approached the bear and learned that it was actually not a live animal. No one was harmed in the incident, yet those pictured above were lucky to get out alive.


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